28 thoughts on “About

    1. Well, Bambi on ice, you are very creative, inquisitive and brave. Don’t stop…don’t ever stop questioning reality and being authentic! I’m glad you found me so I could find you 🙂 God Speed~


  1. Of course you were ‘diagnosed’ because you have a newer brain caught in an old system. I imagine it screams at cage it must live in. They don’t know what to do with you, but obviously you do. Feel no remorse at not fitting this current place, for you were born for where we are going.

    Great posts!


  2. Alisha – Thanks for the “like” re my “blog is a novel page.” Obviously i agree whole-heatedly with your view of life and diagnosis of contemporary society. It’s an honor to know that you have read one of my pages (and might read more–i hope–definitely i’ll be reading more of yours)


    1. Hi Tom, thank you! I like your bluntness and honesty and the way you link psychological reasoning to social and political issues. I will indeed be reading more.
      All the best,


  3. Hi Alisha, I’m really glad you liked our article on giving thanks on christiansciencecanberra.com. If you scroll down a little on that page you will see I have included some interesting articles about how other people have handled their mental health issues. I thought some were quite inspiring. I agree with you the mind is a wonderful and largely untapped resource. I wish you well.


  4. Thanks for stopping by Casual Bedlam! I also studied Philosophy in college (as well as Journalism) and sometimes I nerd out a bit…it’s pretty great. Looking forward to some cool posts! -LB


    1. Thanks Laura! Nerding out is awesome. I love your blog as well, you manage to be funny, clever and purposeful at the same time which is also pretty cool:-) Very happy to connect.
      All the best,



  5. Hi
    I’m a jewelry person, a writer, a former disc jockey and music director as well as national and international music journalist. You ‘liked’ one of my ramblings and I wanted to read ‘about’ you. I’d love to correspond directly. Do you write for any of the sites like IBPF? Allison

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, Allison right?

      I liked your post regarding metabolic side effects and challenges regarding the use of atypical anti-psychotics. I volunteer for IDEA Onlus, Institute for the Research and Prevention of Mood Disorders, based in Rome Italy. Actually, many of the patients we work with have had challenges (mainly regarding weight gain and decreased self-esteem) with this particular type of medication! I’d be interested in reading some of the papers you mentioned.

      I am fairly new to the blogging/independent writing industry, so I’ve still not got many collaborations to boast! However now that you mention it I did contact the IBPF about a month ago and have not heard back since.

      Thank you for contacting me and I’d love to correspond directly on our common interests. My email address is a.vabba@hotmail.it and I am now following your blog.

      All the best,



  6. I’m envious of your youth and how involved you are re: having been diagnosed young *hooray* and then managing it and finishing university and writing as clearly as you do. I haven’t gotten far in terms of your posts, but I admire you already (and not in a creepy way, lol), simply that you’re able to accomplish so much. Brava!


    1. I didn’t think you were creepy, just nice:-) Thank you so much for the compliments! Being diagnosed early was fundamental in sorting out my priorities, life and mindset. Mental health awareness has a long way to go in making people conscious of their selves and feeling. I really hope to be able to contribute to the cause!

      All the best,


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Alisha for your lovely response. And thank you for thanking me. Be well 🙂


  7. Hi there my friend.
    Just wanted to say hello and to think you for choosing to kindly follow my own blog.
    You sound like a real character and I shall enjoy returning for future visits to
    learn more about you.
    Take care and don’t get bored


    1. Hello Bob!

      I am so very pleased to have found your blog. You put a whole new spin on ‘people watching’ and I bloody love it! Happy to connect with you and you take care as well:-)

      All the best,



      1. OMG! This has really made my day. You are really kind to leave such an encouraging comment. I feel truly motivated.
        Looking forward to following you.
        Luv n peas


    1. Ciao Marco:-)
      Me ne ha parlato Catu e trovo che la tua sia un’ idea geniale! E’ sempre bello trovare persone che condividono la loro esperienza e il loro sapere per aiutare gli altri. Specialmente così giovani! Complimenti di cuore a te e a mamma.
      Un abbraccio,


      PS. le tue mappe sono fatte super bene!


  8. hey, nice blog. You are like me, an infomaniac. You are curious. So am I. I wake up depressed but once I read the newspaper, it all goes away. I study entertainment also. Right now last week’s New York Times Magazine is all about music, today’s music, how people are self authoring rather than cowtowing to the oppressive ‘record label’ system. Totally badass. Are you a writer? IBPF, they are cool, Heather is the coordinator, let her know I sent ya. Allison


  9. Hey Alisha,

    I so agree with you about the unhealthy dynamics, on which our society has laid it’s foundation in, being counter-productive for the society and creativity of an individual. There to be seen all the time, at every step. Wish you the best in your endeavor to bring more self-awareness among individuals. Shall look forward to reading your work! Cheers.


  10. La la la. La la la. It’s a happy tune I am singing in my mind, for you. I hope it’s not too loud!


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